Theory of The Clean Solution™

In conventional decentralized septic systems - whether used for individual homes, commercial applications or a community septic system - a septic tank(s) is used to first provide anaerobic (without air) treatment of the waste. This is followed by a leach field to provide aerobic (with air) treatment of the effluent.

Septic tanks work well for capturing and digesting the solids, which are anaerobically fermented over a long period of time, dissolving the solids into liquid waste. However, a septic tank is not designed to treat the contaminants that dissolve in the liquids. These are treated aerobically in the leach field. Municipal systems, which handle very large volumes of wastewater, use different equipment to accomplish the same biological functions as a septic system: primary sedimentation tanks remove solids, and a subsequent aerobic system treats the contaminants dissolved in the liquids. Settled solids are removed from municipal primary and secondary facilities for further treatment.

The bacteria

Every aerobic treatment system, whether a conventional leach field, municipal treatment plant, or The Clean Solution, depends on bacteria to treat the effluent from a solids settling system. In order for the bacteria to reproduce, they require energy (food) and air. By using the contaminants in the effluent as food and atmospheric air, the bacteria metabolize the dissolved solids to carbon dioxide, water, and sludge (colonies of bacteria). The aerobic bacteria also convert ammonia compounds to nitrates.

A large number of bacteria need to come in contact with the food source in order to purify an effluent. Treatment systems utilize different methods to provide the necessary bacteria population. A municipal system mechanically stirs up the bacteria in the secondary treatment process so that they will contact their food and not settle out of the effluent. In a leach field, the sludge (biomat) that forms at the ground interface is a large colony of bacteria through which the dissolved solid stream flows. In The Clean Solution the bacteria collect in a thin film on the plastic media in the BioCon chamber, and the effluent circulates through the plastic media.

The difference

The Clean Solution uses the same biological process as a municipal secondary treatment plant, utilizing the activated sludge process. Solids are settled out and air is added for bacteria respiration in the BioCon. This allows the bacteria to convert the carbonaceous dissolved solids to carbon dioxide, water, and sludge. In addition, the urea and ammonia converts to nitrates and sludge. The sludge created is settled for periodic removal from the system, and a clean, odorless effluent is discharged to the dispersal field.

The major difference between a conventional septic system and The Clean Solution is where the bacteria (sludge) collect. In a conventional system, the sludge forms in the bottom of the leach field and restricts the effluent flow enough so that the bacteria has time to act. This flow rate through the sludge determines the required field size. In The Clean Solution system the sludge is formed in the BioCon chamber, resulting in treated, clear effluent discharging to the dispersal field. This field can be greatly reduced in size because there is no further treatment required to reduce BOD and TSS.